Category Archives: Treadmills and Running Machines

Treadmills and Running Machines

We help you choose the best gym machine for your money by providing honest, straightforward reviews of treadmills and running machines. Compare top models here!

Branx Fitness Elite Runner Pro Treadmill

Branx fitness elite runner pro treadmill main

Introduction: When you talk about the best in the hyper-competitive world of running machines, Branx Fitness tops the list. Branx offers a wide range of options in the treadmill to cater to all sorts of users from elite athletes to novice ones. We have reviewed some of their other models before as well, however, in[…]

Branx Fitness Cardio Pro Treadmill

Branx fitness cardio pro treadmill

Introduction: Over the past couple of years, Branx Fitness has emerged as one of the top manufacturers of compact treadmills and have outshined its competitors in every way. The Cardio Pro is another top of the line treadmill, ideal for people seeking a durable and quality treadmill.  Regardless of its compact design, the machine has[…]

Branx Fitness Energy Pro Treadmill

Branx Fitness Energy Pro Treadmill

Introduction The treadmill is one of the most common exercise machines that can help you keep up with your fitness goals and Branx Fitness is one such brand that is well-known for producing top-quality treadmills.  The Branx Fitness treadmill ranges cater to both professional and beginner runners with the Energy Pro Treadmill being a new[…]

Branx Fitness Start Run Treadmill

Branx Fitness Start Run Treadmill

Introduction When it comes to fitness equipment, Branx Fitness is an absolute master of it. They have both commercial treadmill and home treadmill models available in the market today. However, their foldable “StartRun” Treadmill is one of the most affordable treadmills that will be a great addition to your home gym. Though a budget running[…]

Nordictrack T 7.5S Treadmill

Nordictrack T 7.5S Treadmill

Fitness Equipment – The Nordictrack T 7.5 S Treadmill Review Introduction The Nordictrack T 7.5 S Treadmill is a great home treadmill with a running area / treadmill belt of 152cm x 51cm that can be used by both novices and veterans. It has a 7″ LCD screen, Bluetooth connectivity, iFit training programs, fast max[…]

Nordictrack S20 Treadmill

Fitness Equipment Review of the Nordictrack S20 Treadmill Introduction The Nordictrack S20 Treadmill is a fantastic home treadmill with a running surface of 152cm x 46cm that is appropriate for both beginners and seasoned runners. It features a 5″ LCD screen, Bluetooth-enabled wireless connection, iFit training programs, and a 10-level incline and is superior to[…]

Nordictrack S20i Treadmill

Fitness Equipment Review Introduction The Nordictrack S20i Treadmill is a fantastic home, high-quality treadmill with a running surface of 140cm x 51cm that’s suitable for both novice and experienced runners. With a 5″ LCD display, Bluetooth enabled wireless connection, iFit training programs and 10 level incline, is superior to most of the competition out there[…]

JLL T550 Digital Folding Treadmill

JLL T550

Fitness Equipment Review Introduction The JLL T550 Digital Folding Treadmill is a top-of-the-line piece of fitness equipment that has earned its way into homes and gyms around the world. Its sleek modern design makes it just as at home in your bedroom as it would be in a large gym setting. With so many features[…]

JLL T450 Digital Folding Treadmill

JLL T450 Digital Folding Treadmill

Introduction Fitness Equipment Review Those familiar with JLL products will know that the ‘T’ in the JLL T450 Folding Treadmill denotes “technology.” This is a step up from the wildly popular T350 (which I’ve also reviewed previously – JLL T350 review). The T450 is a big, powerful running machine with an 18 km/hour top speed,[…]

JLL S400 Folding Treadmill

JLL S400 folding treadmill

Introduction Fitness Equipment Review The JLL S400 Folding Treadmill is the newest version of one of the world’s best-known premium treadmill brands, JLL Fitness Equipment. This version offers a number of benefits that make it an excellent option for any home gym. Comparable The JLL S400 is comparable to many treadmills you may find at[…]

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